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The trail in Scouting does not end at the Arrow of Light, it is only the beginning. Your next stop on the trail is Boy Scouting and we hope that all Webelos will transition to a troop that meets your expectations. As you work on your Arrow of Light you are required to attend one Boy Scout troop meeting and one Boy Scout-oriented outdoor activity with your den. We look forward to hosting you at our Troop. When a Webelos transitions to a troop, many changes will take place. Cub Scouting is an adult led activity. While adults serve as key leaders, Boy Scouts lead and hold leadership positions and plan the troop's program.

Now that you have earned the Arrow of Light did you know that you have completed all the requirements for the Scout badge and are ready to join a Boy Scout troop?

Visiting Boy Scout Troops

Part of ensuring the Webelos to Scout Transition is the visitation of Boy Scout troops. As a Webelos, you will have the opportunity to visit troops as a group and you are encouraged to visit individually. As you visit troops, you may wish to return with your parents to a troop that you feel you might want to join. Each troop has a different feel to it and it is up to you to find the troop that is right for you. We encourage you to visit all troops in the Menlo Park / Atherton / Redwood City area before making a choice.

Tips for Visiting Troops
  • Visit every troop in the Menlo Park / Atherton area. Each one is unique!

  • Visit all the troops in Menlo Park / Atherton area before making a decision to join one.

  • Be Prepared and have a list of questions to ask yourself, the Scoutmaster and Scouts in the troop.


During your visit, there are things to ask and observe. There is no “right” answer to these questions, but you want a troop you and your son will feel comfortable with. Don’t be afraid to ask about the troop. They will be proud to tell you about themselves.

Part of ensuring the Webelos to Scout Transition is the visitation of Boy Scout troops. As a Webelos, you will have the opportunity to visit troops as a group and you are encouraged to visit individually. As you visit troops, you may wish to return with your parents to a troop that you feel you might want to join. Each troop has a different feel to it and it is up to you to find the troop that is right for you. We encourage you to visit all troops in the Menlo Park / Atherton / Redwood City area before making a choice.

Tips for Visiting Troops
  • Visit every troop in the Menlo Park / Atherton area. Each one is unique!

  • Visit all the troops in Menlo Park / Atherton area before making a decision to join one.

  • Be Prepared and have a list of questions to ask yourself, the Scoutmaster and Scouts in the troop.


During your visit, there are things to ask and observe. There is no “right” answer to these questions, but you want a troop you and your son will feel comfortable with. Don’t be afraid to ask about the troop. They will be proud to tell you about themselves.

Questions to ask yourself

  • Do I know anyone in the troop?

  • Are any of my friends looking at this troop?

  • Am I comfortable around these guys? 

  • What do Mom and Dad think about the Troop and the adults?

  • What was the troop meeting like? Did the boys run the meeting?

  • Was the meeting fun? 

Questions to ask the Scoutmaster and the Scouts

  • How large is the troop?

  • Is the troop mostly older boys or younger boys?

  • When does the troop meet? Where? For How Long?  

  • How frequent are (camping, hiking, adventure) trips?

  • When does the troop normally go camping during the month? Which weekend?

  • Do the older scouts help the new scouts my age?    

  • Does the troop have an active outdoor activity program?    

  • Do I have to go on all the camp outs / activities?

  • Does the troop camp 1 night or 2 nights?

  • Is the troop active? Going places and doing things?

  • What was the camp out like?

  • Is the troop going to Summer camp?

Need more ideas? Try a quick Google search for "Webelos Questions for Boy Scout Troops" and find the questions that are important to you.

Webelos Troop Activities

Many troops offer a Webelos Weekend activities. These activities give the Scout an opportunity to see first hand what life in the troop is all about. Ours are listed on our calendar.

Webelos Transition Timing

Some Packs work to transition Webelos Scouts to a Scout Troop in February or March. There are several reasons for this:

  • New Scouts will have an opportunity to get to know their new Troop before summer camp.

  • New Scouts will have the opportunity to camp with their new Troop before summer camp.

  • New Scouts will have the opportunity to earn advancement and become familiar with new advancement processes.


Joining a Troop

Once your son reaches the age requirements he can transition. There is no rule that says he must wait for his fellow Cub Scouts to transition with him (thought we certainly understand if this is what they want to do.)

Your First Summer Camp

One of the most exciting things about Boy Scouts is the memories that you will make at Scout Camp. In order to maximize your memories there are a few tips you should be aware of.

  • If you are not a strong swimmer, take swimming lessons and practice. Summer camp takes place all around the water. There is boating, canoeing, rowboats and of course the pool that will be cool and refreshing after a day of working on merit badges.

  • Learn your knots. You will need them when you begin to camp. (There is help on our resource pages for this as well.)


More questions? Stop by a troop meeting to see what we do first hand, explore our website or email the Scoutmaster. We are happy to help and hope that you make the Webelos to Scout Transition.

BSA Troop 109 - Menlo Park, CA 
Redwood District
Pacific Skyline Council

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